Billing & Payment Policy
Accepted Payment Methods:
Credit & Debit Cards:
We accept credit & debit cards through the third party Shopify Payments gateway. Shopify Payments accepts all major payment methods including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay & Google Pay. Shopify Payments processes all payments surely with SSL encryption and is an approved payment method by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
A safe & easy way to pay. You can use your credit card or bank account without exposing your account numbers. When paying with PayPal, you will be redirected to pay using PayPal secure servers. If you are experiencing issues with PayPal, please visit
We currently do not accept Bank Transfers. If you experiencing any difficulties paying, please contact us at for assistance.
Payment Times:
In most cases, your order will be instantly approved upon completing the checkout process, your purchase will then be scheduled to be packed and delivered with an email confirmation of your transaction.
In some rare occasions, your payment may be flagged for review by the payment gateway and could require an extra 24-48 hours to verify - if this applies to your order, we will contact you letting you know of this delay.
Fees & Taxes:
All products on will include the Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10%. You will not be required to pay any other fees.